When you have an idea to start an online business. First thing that comes to your mind is to create a website as soon as possible. In the development world, the learning curve of PHP is still very low. In PHP, there are a lot of options available to start with. Choosing a suitable PHP framework to develop a web project for your business is not an easy task.
In the past few years Laravel framework got more popularity than other PHP frameworks like Yii, Drupal, and CodeIgniter. Because it provides very customizable options in every step of development. We will discuss its capabilities in more detail and Why Laravel is the best PHP framework in 2020.
Discussing Why Laravel is Considered One of The Best PHP Framework in 2020? we should perceive what are the significant specialized points which make Laravel the best out of all.
1. Easy Installation
To install Laravel is very easy and requires only a few steps. For installation you must have composer software in your system either in windows or in Linux.
2. Packaging System
Laravel uses a composer as a dependency manager, which manages all the packages required for your application or Laravel environment. Packages are a great way to accelerate development, It uses third party plugins for quick development. Image Intervention, Excel, AWS SDK, Laravel Debug bar and Laravel IDE helper are some of the best Laravel packages.
3. Authentication and Authorization
Laravel framework provides very simple implementation of authentication and authorization techniques. Almost everything is pre-configured. It provides a very simple UI to create users and give roles and permissions to them. Even you can write your custom logic to control access.
4. Security Modules and Libraries
Its Object-Oriented approach makes it very robust and pre-install libraries make it easy to use, which are not found in any other PHP frameworks. One of the pre-installed libraries is the Authentication and authorization library. It has many advanced features like updating active users, blocking users and deleting users, BCrypt hashing, password reset, Email verification, CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) protection and encryption.
5. Artisan Command
Laravel framework comes with pre-install or we can say build in a tool named Artisan. This tool allows a developer to run few easy commands and perform heavy tasks very easily. Common uses of Artisan command is managing package assets, managing database migrations, seeding and generating boilerplate code for new controllers, models, and table or column migrations. Developers can write custom commands and perform complex tasks with the help of them.
6. MVC Support
Laravel supports MVC Architecture, that ensures the presentation should be separate from your logic and model (DB). MVC helps in improving the performance, documentation, and has multiple built-in functionalities.
7. Eloquent ORM
Laravel comes with its in-built ORM called Eloquent ORM. Laravel has the best Object-relational Mapper as compared to the other frameworks available. This Object-relational mapping allows you to interact with your database and its relationships using Model.
8. Blade Template Engine
Laravel framework has its own template engine called BLADE. Blade also provides a set of its own control structures such as conditional statements and loops, which are internally mapped to their PHP counterparts. It uses {{}} to print the variables that have been passed to Views from Controllers.
9. Task Scheduling
Scheduler, introduced in Laravel 5.0, is an addition to the Artisan command-line utility that allows programmatic scheduling of periodically executed tasks. Laravel’s command scheduler allows you to fluently and expressively define your command schedule within Laravel itself. When using the scheduler, only a single Cron entry is needed on your server. Your task schedule is defined in the Kernel.php file’s schedule method. To help you get started, a simple example is defined within the method.
10. Multiple File System Support
Laravel comes with built-in support for the cloud storage system such as Amazon S3, Rack space, Google Cloud Storage along with local storage. Even you can use all three systems in one application to serve files from multiple locations like in a distributed environment. It’s amazingly simple to switch between these storages and get the available files as the front-end does not know from where the files have been served.
11. Multiple Queue System Support
Laravel provides a unified API across a variety of different queue backends, such as Beanstalk, Amazon SQS, Redis, or even a relational database. Queues allow you to defer the processing of a time-consuming task, such as sending an email, until a later time. Deferring these time-consuming tasks drastically speeds up web requests to your application. You can use the process queue job with few Artisan commands.
12. Multiple Cache System Support
Laravel has built-in support for caching. By default, Laravel is configured to use the file cache driver, which stores the serialized, cached objects in the filesystem. For larger applications, it is recommended that you use a more robust driver such as Memcached or Redis. You may even configure multiple cache configurations for the same driver.
13. Mail Support
Laravel provides a clean, simple method to send email using the popular SwiftMailer library with drivers for SMTP, Mailgun, Postmark, Amazon SES, and sendmail, allowing you to quickly get started sending mail through a local or cloud-based service of your choice.
14. In-build Helper Function
Laravel includes a variety of global “helper” PHP functions. Many of these functions are used by the framework itself; however, you are free to use them in your own applications if you find them convenient and you can create your own helper function also.
15. Events and Listeners
Laravel provides a simple event observer implementation, allowing you to subscribe and listen for various events that occur in your application. Events and Listener can be created using Artisan console commands. In modern application, event and listener-based architecture is recommended.
16. Testing Framework
Laravel by default provides the unit test support for the application, which itself contains tests that detect and prevent regressions in the framework. Unit tests can be run through the provided artisan commands. In addition, we can Integrate PHP unit which is a testing framework and very easy to use with Laravel application.
So, these are the reasons Why Laravel is Considered as One of The Best PHP Frameworks in 2020? All these box features of the Laravel framework make it most suitable for all kinds of web application development from small to enterprise level. It also provides lots of built-in functionalities that allow developers to work like a PRO.